What is the Mat-Su Sentinel?

Why does Mat-Su need a nonpartisan, nonprofit news source and how can you support this work? Learn more now.

What is the Mat-Su Sentinel?
Photo by Florian Klauer / Unsplash

The Mat-Su Sentinel is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan online news source launching over the summer of 2024.

The Mat-Su Sentinel is spearheaded by Amy Bushatz, an experienced journalist who has covered news for local and national publications for over 20 years.

The Mat-Su Sentinel is overseen by a board of directors. We are looking for more members. Are you interested in joining this work? Contact us at contact@matsusentinel.com to learn how to get involved.

How will the Mat-Su Sentinel be published?

The Mat-Su Sentinel will be available on this website, through social media posts and in a regular newsletter delivered directly to your inbox.

How is the Mat-Su Sentinel Funded?

We believe access to information is a community service that supports the public good.

In communities around the U.S. readers like you support nonprofit news. Your donations are vital to getting the Sentinel started and then keeping it going.

Why does Mat-Su need a nonpartisan, nonprofit news source? Read all about that here.

The Sentinel is also seeking grants and corporate sponsorships. Interested in sponsoring this organization? Email us.

We believe financial transparency is key to running a trustworthy, nonpartisan news source. Financial support does not influence news coverage. We also do not allow donations from certain groups, including political parties and elected officials. Read more about our financial transparency rules.

Like many small startup nonprofits, the Mat-Su Sentinel operates as a fiscal sponsor under the umbrella of a larger nonprofit’s 501c3 status. The Mat-Su Sentinel receives fiscal sponsorship from the Tiny News Collective. Fiscal sponsorship provides benefit that include affordable administrative support around taxes and other required filings.

Get involved with the Mat-Su Sentinel

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Want to support our work? As a nonprofit, the Mat-Su Sentinel needs your help to get going. Donate today!

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